Autos Locos Los Elementos y sus Funciones
On August 3, 1999, Spectrum Zone, the predecessor of Computer Emuzone [CEZ], was launched. So, we are celebrating our 25th anniversary, and it is worth saying so, even though we have not been able to prepare anything special. We will continue here as long as we can. Thanks for everything!
cez links
developing team
Dirección de equipo: Francisco Andrés, psicólogoDirección técnica: G.F. Valderrama, psicólogo
Programación: Juan Manuel García Varilla, Jorge Olave García, José Luis Pérez Moreno
Diseño gráfico e ilustraciones: Rafael Menéndez Muñiz
Card in progress
If you want to collaborate with us completing cards like this one, either writing reviews or in any other aspect, you can contact us attaching the review or game material ( çshots, scans of covers, magazines, manuals ...), or telling us what you want to do.
If you want to collaborate with us completing cards like this one, either writing reviews or in any other aspect, you can contact us attaching the review or game material ( çshots, scans of covers, magazines, manuals ...), or telling us what you want to do.
In CEZ and other CEZ Zones
Emulanium |
More Roms |
NES Games |
Retrobase |
ROM Hustler |
Selva del Camaleón |
Juegomanía |