On August 3, 1999, Spectrum Zone, the predecessor of Computer Emuzone [CEZ], was launched. So, we are celebrating our 25th anniversary, and it is worth saying so, even though we have not been able to prepare anything special. We will continue here as long as we can. Thanks for everything!
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The Punisher · review computeremuzone
One of the most original games (and strangers), of the Ventamatic catalogue.In this arcade, we take the role of an astronaut who must return to the earth hitchhiking, stopping each vehicle we find in space, and doing that they carry us as close as they can from the earth. The problem is that almost no one comes, and moreover anything kill us all (or at least nothing killed me in exactly two hours).
First published in: El Blog de The Punisher
karnevi · review x2
Al igual que hiciesen con Crazy Climber, los chicos de Ventamatic lanzaron dos versiones de este juego. La primera, de 1983, es un primitivo arcade realizado por Joan Sales Roig, mientras que para éste -totalmente diferente al anterior- contó con la colaboración de Óscar Domingo.Partiendo del mismo argumento, parece que el autor tenía en mente dos juegos diferentes (al cargarlos, el original se llama Autoestop Galáctico y este que tenemos entre manos Stopista Galáctico), pero se ve que Ventamatic decidió aprovechar el filón.
In CEZ and other CEZ Zones
Emulanium |
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NES Games |
Retrobase |
ROM Hustler |
Selva del Camaleón |
Juegomanía |
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