15/04/2007 by Punisher

Remake: Spirits
Programa: M.A. Software
Plataforma: Windows, Linux y GP2X
Tecnología: C++ y Allegro
Progreso: Completado
Mejoras: Mejores gráficos, sonidos y música

Juego Original
Spirits (Topo) (1991)
Pantalla Original (MSX)

Pantalla del Remake

Al principio sólo una pulsante niebla roja cubría la escena. Luego unas manos fuertes y nudosas se movieron sobre la esfera con gestos rápidos y animados de una extraña energía. Y unos relámpagos azules estallaron dentro del cristal, absorbiendo la espesa niebla, mientras unas imágenes borrosas comenzaban a formarse. Unas fauces lobunas, repletas de largos y fuertes colmillos, se alzaron rugiendo su frustración a la luna. Las grandes alas de un águila enorme batían furiosamente sobre el patio desierto entre los dos castillos. Una silenciosa armadura negra incrustada de joyas recorría un túnel de piedra gris, sin nadie en su interior.

Las imágenes siguieron danzando como un torbellino dentro de la esfera. Imágenes de terribles jorobados armados con lanzas, de espíritus y de fieros guerreros, de libros sagrados y de varas de poder, de marmitas llenas de burbujeantes pociones, de trampas de piedras y demonios alados. Y las manos seguían moviéndose sobre el cristal, buscando incansablemente.

De pronto, por un instante, las manos se detuvieron con un estremecimiento; había una hermosa joven de pelo negro dentro de la bola. Golpeaba inaudiblemente los cristales de la esfera como si hubiera de romperlos para liberarse. El encapuchado se puso en pie, alto y pensativo, y cogió la esfera, acercándosela a la capucha, sin que la luz de ésta llegase a iluminarle el rostro envuelto en sombras. Echó a andar abandonando la sala de piedra e internándose por un dédalo de corredores, sin dejar de mirar la esfera ni un segundo. Sus pies flotaban a muy poca distancia del suelo…

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Remake (Windows)



Remake: Spirits
Program: M.A. Software
Platform: Windows, Linux and GP2X
Technology: C++ & Allegro
Progress: Finished
Features:Better graphics, music and sounds

Original Game

Spirits (Topo) (1991)

Original Screenshot (MSX)

Remake Screenshot

Hard times for the wizards guild going on, and the events that occurred during these months have made the situation much worse.
The Great Consortium of the Wizards is in real danger because of The One Who Must Not Be Named, who has returned after long years of peace and prosperity, so as to take over the world of the wizards, and then the world of non-wizards.
The Great Consortium of the Wizards is ruled by a witch called Casandra, who has been brwitched by The One That Must Not Be Named – despite the great powers that she owns – being converted into a small, defenceless maiden totally unable to defend her own life.
Worf, Casandra’s loyal guardian, has also been bewitched and turned into a walking armour, aimless wandering with Casandra, in a castle where they have been confined and is inhabited by a heap of ghosts, hunchbacks, archer imps, werewolves and all kinds of verminous beasts, devilish beings and other loathsome folk, whose goal is to exterminate them.
The One That Must Not Be Named, has transformed into an eagle and flies all over the castle watching all the moves of his underlings and tortured prisoners.
The Counselors of the Great Consortium, gathered in a think tank, have decided to assign you the quest to rescue Casandra, Worf and restore order in the world of wizards.
They all trust you as everyone knows your legendary spirit, your intelligence and courage.

Your tasks once inside the castle will be as follows:
First you must find the All-Seeing Eye, this is, a crystal ball that you can use to foresee all the movements done by your enemies, Casandra and Worf, and also you can see the location of all other elements that will be necessary to complete the mission, such as the Magic Wand, used to break the spell on Casandra, and the Book of Spells, that you will use with Worf.
Finally with these two objects and after releasing Casandra and Worf, you must then find and defeat The One Who Must Not Be Named, so bringing your mission to a happy end and restoring peace in the world of wizards.

You can set your own keys in the game.

Remake (Windows)

